
Efficient structuring of references

Linking of references in online publications adds value for the reader and is increasingly becoming a standard requirement for scientific publications. Precise and consistent semantic markup of references plays a key role in enabling the correct links to be generated automatically within a manuscript. It also makes it easier to access further information. Manual tagging, however, is an extremely laborious task.

le-tex therefore developed "Struki", an in-house tool for its own production departments, which supports and facilitates this stage of the process. Struki is now available for our customers too and can be used by you and your service providers and by authors.

Struki can be used interactively in a browser or integrated in your automated workflows. The references are uploaded to Struki, which then analyzes and tags their components. Manual post-editing is also possible.

Another key feature of Struki is formatting of reference data based on the selected citation style, which ensures uniformity within a document and beyond. Some standard citation styles are pre-configured in Struki, but custom configurations are also possible.

If references are incomplete, notes are added in the corresponding locations in the source document.

Finally, the structured and formatted references are inserted into the Word or TeX file or supplied as an XML file for import and/or as script for modification of the source document.

Struki helps you format reference data and obtain consistent data.

Tel: +49 341 355356 120

Fax: +49 341 355356 520


  • Input and output formats: XML, DOCX, IDML, TeX, HTML

  • Fully automated or interactive structuring (analysis of references and tagging of the components in XML, e.g. author, title, year, start_page etc.)

  • Browser-based operation or automated use via REST-API

  • Request to CrossRef and addition of a DOI

  • Formatting of the semantically marked-up XML reference according to the selected citation style