Book production in the browser
Auftraggeber: Tax Department of the Canton of Lucerne

The Tax Department of the Canton of Lucerne (Dienststelle Steuern des Kanton Luzern) publishes the Luzerner Steuerbuch, a commentary on the tax legislation of the canton. The work appears in a five-volume printed edition with a total of around 2,000 pages in loose-leaf form and as a website, with annual updates.
Since 2016, it has been produced with a tailor-made application from our web toolkit. It comprises the following components:
Online editor for acquisition and editing of the content
Saving of different XML versions of the texts
Upload/management of assets (images and additional files for downloading from the website)
Generation of PDFs for print output (complete edition or update)
Generation of PDFs in an alternative layout for online publication
Preview of content in the layout of the website
Updating of individual texts on the website
Updating of the whole website
Besides implementing the editing system, we also handle the data migration, realization of the public website (, and hosting of the application on the client's computers.
With the made-to-measure product from le-tex, we are able to give our customers online access to the Luzerner Steuerbuch in optimum web quality. The printed edition and periodical loose-leaf supplements can now also be produced simultaneously as extremely high-quality PDF documents.